Agent Aika (Japanese: アイカ Hepburn: Aika?, stylized AIKa) is an adventure anime OVA series produced by Studio Fantasia, and directed by Katsuhiko Nishijima. The series follows Aika Sumeragi, a salvager for hire who gets caught up in a plot for world domination. The series was released in Japan from 1997-1999. The anime was initially licensed by Central Park Media, but was later licensed by Bandai Entertainment. The series is well known for its copious amounts of fan service, specifically the camera angles on panties of the many female characters that populate the show.[1][2] On April 25, 2007 the first volume of the three-part prequel OVA AIKa R-16: Virgin Mission, detailing Aika's time when she was 16 years old, was released in Japan. A remastered version of the original series was released also, along with a special live-action edition of Agent Aika. In 2009 the OVA AIKa ZERO with 19-year-old Aika was released.
Following a catastrophic earthquake twenty years prior, Tokyo, along with most of the world, has sunk into the ocean during a large-scale land subsidence. Aika Sumeragi is a salvage agent, a person who digs up submerged artifacts from the cities below. She works for a small company run by Gozo Aida, and takes on fairly dangerous jobs. In the first story, she and Gozo's daughter Rion, search for material called the Lagu. However they are captured by Rudolf Hagen, an effeminate but over-sexed man who wants to use the Lagu to transform the world, destroying its inhabitants, and replacing them with an army of young women called the Delmo Corporation who will carry his progeny. Alongside Hagen is his obsessive sister Neena, who is jealous of Aika when Rudolf desires to have Aika for himself. Aika has a special bustier that, when activated, transforms into a battle bikini that gives her extraordinary fighting powers. Following the defeat of the Hagens, the Delmo Corporation girls seek other methods to foil Aika in episodic stories.
Episodes :-
Episode 3 - "Takeoff Position"
September 25, 1997
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Episode 4 - "A Flower Blooming in Space"
January 25, 1998
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Episode 5 - "The Golden Delmo Operation"
August 25, 1998
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Episode 6 - "Delmo Operation: White Silver"
December 18, 1998
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Episode 7 - "Break the Decisive Battle! Delmo Base!"
April 25, 1999
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