Friends Season 07 | Episode 12 - "The One Where They're Up All Night" |

Episode 12 - "The One Where They're Up All Night"

January 11, 2001

In the beginning, the 6 friends plus Tag are sitting on the roof looking for a comet. After hours of seeing nothing, everyone except Ross and Joey head back inside. Joey removes the pipe holding the door open and attempts to use it as a telescope to spy on women, but this leaves the two stranded on the roof. Joey suggest going down the fire escape, but it doesn't go all the way down. After contemplating a few decisions, Joey decides to hang off the end of the fire escape and allow Ross to shimmy down and drop, but Ross is too scared. Joey scares him off by telling him his pants are falling off but that he's not wearing any underwear (Ross' face is near Joey's crotch) so Ross immediately lets go, dropping down a few feet, injuring his ankle a bit in the process, while Joey hangs.
Phoebe, who is attempting to sleep in her room, is unable to because her fire alarm keeps going off. She resorts to ripping it out of the wall, but the alarm continues to ring. After pulling it apart and even smashing it with a heel, the alarm continues to go off, infuriating her. She then proceeds to wrap it in an article of clothing and throw it down the garbage chute, but a fireman manages to locate it, and after seeing "Property of Phoebe Buffay, not Monica" on the clothing, gives her the alarm back, reminding her that it is against the law to remove the detector as well as reminding her that the reset button should turn the alarm off. Phoebe attempts to use the button but it is broken, and so the alarm continues to blare, keeping Phoebe up all night as well.

Tag and Rachel are making out on the sofa in her apartment when she suggests that they take it to the bedroom - but not before asking Tag if he had mailed the contracts. Tag tells Rachel that she hadn't given him any contracts to mail, which cause the two to go to the office in the middle of the night and check. Rachel sees the contracts on her desk, realizing she never gave it to Tag, but does not wish to be proven wrong, so she tells Tag to go check the copy room while she hides the contracts in his bottom drawer. She then leaves to go get coffee for both of them, but Tag manages to find the contracts and places them on her desk again. Rachel attempts to prove Tag wrong but when the contracts end up on her desk and not his drawer, she asks how exactly that happened, inadvertently revealing that she had placed them there.

Meanwhile at Chandler & Monica's, Chandler finds himself unable to sleep, so he wakes up Monica to talk to her. Monica does not wish to be woken up and so Chandler goes to the living room to read one of Monica's books, which he believes would bore him to sleep. However, the book ends up getting interesting and Chandler decides to make some hot milk to help him sleep, but makes a loud noise that wakes Monica up. While Monica makes the hot milk for him now that she's up, Chandler decides that they should stay up all night and talk to one another, and heads back to the bedroom. Monica finishes making the hot milk only to see Chandler asleep, so she wakes him up so they can finally talk. However, they both decide to have sex instead, since they're both awake, but Monica falls asleep during sex. Chandler is upset and wakes her up, and they both decide to have sex again, this time remaining awake. After finishing, Chandler realizes he only has 2 hours before he decides to call in sick to work, while Monica states she only has 7 minutes before she's supposed to be up. Chandler attempts to suggest they put their 7 minutes to use (having sex again) but Monica believes Chandler and her are going to clean the living room, and she runs to grab the cleaning supplies.

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